Arivis Information

Arivis Information

Arivis Vision4D software is used for visualization and analysis of multi-dimensional microscopy data, 

We currently have 2 Arivis floating licenses available for usage anywhere inside WIS campus:

You can use it on your own (Windows based) computer or on one of the Image Analysis Workstations at Ullmann building, room 028.

Arivis is fully supported, If you encounter problems you can contact Ofra Golani or email directly to Arivis support  .

In your email please state clearly that you work at Weizmann Institute and please cc Ofra Golani on the email.  

NEW: arivisVisionVR is a software that displays real image data in Virtual Reality (VR) and is now available on campus

contact us for more details


Arivis Vision4D usage must be scheduled through Internal Services > Advanced Light Microscopy (as well as the the image analysis workstations)

If you are not authorized or need user account, please contact Ofra Golani or Sefi Addadi

You can use Arivis File Converter to convert your data from the native file format into Arivis sis format in the background without using Arivis license (and without scheduling). 

Installation Files 

Download Latest Arivis Vision4D (4.0) and Arivis File Converter (4.0) from this folder

After Installation you need to connect to the license server. Please contact Ofra Golani for further information. In your email please state:

  1. The name of the computer you use for Arivis 

  2. The userid you use on that computer

  3. Your name + PI Name 

  4. Telephone number you can be reached on 

Learning Material

For location sensitive help within the software click F1

See also: Knowledge Base, Webinars and Use Cases 

Arivis FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

How to Crop out part of the image which is not aligned to the image axes (eg 3D line) ? 

The following movie shows the steps how to annotate and how to hide the 3D line

 In this movie I am working with the Split View (2 viewers side by side). The Split View allows to compare the position and the dimension of the 2D annotation instantly in the 4D Viewer. (The left view is the 2D Viewer, the right view is the 4D Viewer).

Before you start make sure that you have access to these palettes:

  • Annotation Settings

  • 4D Clipping

This movie shows another way to move/hide the 3D line is to play with the 4D Clipping planes to separate the 3D line and the option to clip in front of the slice or to clip behind the slice in the 4D Viewer. Making a HR screenshot is possible with this option!  This movie uses only 1 Clipping plane, but it is possible to use up to 3 Clipping planes to crop the object..

Differences between Arivis version 2.12.3 and previous versions

Q: Unlike version 2.12.2, the grid is visible through the data and the presentation in the new version is dimmer although same presentation parameters are used

A:  These two problems have the same reason: in the new version we changed the default opacity settings in the 4D Channel Settings palette. This leads to the slightly different initial visualization and the shine through of the measure box grid.

If you have a look at the opacity curve in the 4D Channel Settings palette you will realize that it's not reaching 100% opacity (as before). If you use the vertical slider on the right side of the opacity control (or move any of the curve control points directly) you can increase the opacity to 100% and the box lines will completely hide behind the voxel data as before.

Useful Tips

  • To save and restore your preferred view settings you could use the bookmarks panel (menu view/toggle bookmarks). You can even export and re-import these bookmarks to ensure the same visualization conditions in different datasets.

  • You can find some new measure box visualization options (e. g. hiding the grid) in the 4D Render Settings palette (View tab).


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