WIS-Microscopes Database

WIS-Microscopes Database

BioImaging equipment at Weizmann is distributed between several core facilities and departmental facilities.

In general equipment at core facilities are available for all researchers at WIS, while departmental equipment are targeted for internal use within the department.

MicroscopeDB lists all core equipment and we encourage listing departmental and also lab equipment as we believe that such a database is valuable for:

-          Sharing experience around campus

-          Consulting regarding pros and cons of different systems

-          Getting help with microscope / software usage

-          Sharing microscope resources on campus

There is a special field in the database stating the type of owner: Core/Departmental/Lab. 

Summary information about Core equipment will be extracted for the WIS-BioImaging website 

Looking for a microscope 

  • To access the DB go to: http://susanc.weizmann.ac.il/imgbb/search
  • Enter text in the search field, For example "Light" or "Confocal" or "cryo"  The search is looking at the full information (all fields) including applications, companies, etc
  • To see all the list enter “ALLDATA”  (capital letters in the search field)
  • Click on the column header to sort the information
  • To see full information about certain instrument, use the magnifier icon on left side of the line. 

Adding info to the database

Use the Add item from the menu at the top of the page http://susanc.weizmann.ac.il/imgbb/add 

Some of the fields are mandatory (marked with red *), Please use the other fields to describe the specific features of the microscope and to add link to your unit website.  

You can edit the information you entered by going back to the page from the search page

Updating info

You can edit the info for each item you added to the DB using the following procedure. If you didn't enter the items by your self please contact Ofra Golani with the needed changes.

MicroscopeDB was built by Jaime Prilusky from the BioInformatics unit at Life Sciences Core Facilities

For more information and suggestions please approach Ofra Golani or write us a comment below.