PhenoCycler-Fusion System

PhenoCycler-Fusion System

Multiplexed imaging system composed from CODEX fluidics instrument that is connected to fluorescence KEYENCE BZ-X810 microscope.

The multiplexing capability of CODEX technology is based on CODEX barcoding technology, each CODEX antibody is conjugated to a unique oligonucleotide sequence that is complementary to a unique CODEX reporter.

The CODEX system can imagine a panel of ~40 antibodies on the same tissue section in one experiment.

Antibodies for Human FFPE/ FF or Mouse FF samples can be bought from CODEX Akoya or manually conjugated to CODEX barcodes.

The system provides single-cell resolution down to 600 nm, imaging area of 15.2X15.2 mm2, and equipped with Nikon Plan Apo Lamda 20x air objective NA 0.75 and automated, motorized stage with X, Y, Z capabilities.

for more detailed information visit the CODEX site:

PhenoCycler System | Akoya Biosciences

Frequently Asked Questions:

  • How can I visualize the data on my pc?

download QuPath

  • How to add marker names to the final QPTIFF file?

 Go to your data folder (D: fusion: ..) → temp folder → “marker list” → copy (Ctrl A_Ctrl C)

Open QuPath → open marker list →select all (Ctrl A) → paste (Ctrl V)



  File Modified

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May 23, 2021 by Inna Goliand


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